Mascara Monday.

With the new month here, I am starting a new feature: Mascara Monday. It's one that I actually started YEARS ago, in 2007 in fact. I never followed through, but I am going to be this time, at least for the summer. This one is going to be a bit different though. This one is going to highlight many of my favorite mascaras, ones that I may have even reviewed in the past, mixed in with new ones.

In collaboration with this feature, I am going to start a new Pinterest board called Mascara Monday as well. Do you follow my boards on Pinterest? In case you are not, follow me here: Beautiful Makeup Search on Pinterest. On my Mascara Monday board, I will pin all of my mascara posts that I have written over the years, along with others from some of my favorite bloggers. Hopefully this will help you find your holy grail mascara.

Check back later today to see a review of one of my favorite mascaras.