Just a quick post to let you know that my daughter Caci is out of school for the summer, and she is helping me around here. One big task that she is undertaking is to bring back Teen Beauty. Even without her keeping up, it has always been a popular section of the site. With her promise to update two or three times a week, the section is sure to become a hit again.

To see Caci's latest posts, just hit the Teen Beauty banner above, or up on the top menu, look for Teen Beauty and click on that. This will bring you to that section of the site and you will be able to keep up with Caci.
Caci (pronounced Casey - odd spelling, I KNOW!) is going to be 17 in a few weeks, and she has become a beauty expert in her own rite.
From when she started coming with me to get manicures and pedicures when she was just three years old, until now; Caci loves testing and trying out new beauty products. She loves new makeup, looks for great new skin care products to help her deal with her finicky skin, and she is always fussing with her hair and looking for the greatest new styling products. She is going to share it all with you.
I am so happy that Caci will be joining me here. Be sure to check in with Teen Beauty and keep up with Caci.