Yes, even you legs need some color. If you are looking for a leg bronzer, this one is it. Sally Hansen Airbush Legs is a leg makeup that you spray on over legs to add color, even out skin tone, or cover up veins, freckles, blemishes and more. It sprays on with no streaks, or uneven color.
What can I say about this product but WOW! Amazing!

You see I’ve been hard on my legs in the past. Cheap party shoes in my 20’s (hey, don’t judge, I was in college) and a retail career for over a decade can reek havoc on anyone. Plus, they are 3 shades lighter than the rest of my body. To be honest, I haven’t worn shorts in years… until now. This product gave me a nice deep suntanned look. It covered my ugly veins, too. Yay!
Airbrush Legs comes in four colors to match most skin tones: Light Glow, Medium Glow, Tan Glow and Deep Glow. There is even a Shimmer Glow that will add a light shimmer effect to the legs.
Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs sells for $12.49 at drugstores nationwide.