Beauty and fashion journalist Charla Krupp will be signing copies of her brand new best-selling book “HOW NOT TO LOOK OLD: Fast and Effortless Ways to Look Ten Years Younger, Ten Pounds Lighter, this Saturday, May 2nd, from 3 to 5 p.m., at the Saks Fifth Avenue Lancôme counter in New York City.

You can meet Charla and get a personalized copy of the book for yourself, your mom or anyone you choose with any $150 purchase. The personal appearance is part of Lancôme’s “Ageless Beauty Secrets Event” featuring new skincare innovations, mini-facials and makeup touch-ups.
Stop by, meet Charla and discover exciting new products such as Génifique Youth Activating Concentrate and Laque Fever Full Color Lipshine. Charla’s genius beauty tips and effortless fashion fixes have been transforming women across the country, so don’t miss out.
Space is limited.Call 212-940-2199 to reserve an appointment now! A $50 reservation fee is required and fully redeemable in Lancôme products.