Makeup Searcher Asks... What is the one product you reach for more than any other?

graphic_makeup_searcher_ask.jpgI am always fielding questions from family and friends about what a must-have or favorite product is. Really, it can change on a regular basis, don't you think?

I have started to take notice of a few products that I am constantly reaching for over and over again. Sometimes it is my favorite mascara or lipgloss of the week, or my MAC Studio Fix Powder that makes it's way onto my face in one way, shape or form. Other times it may be a highlighter such my favorite Smashbox Photo Op. Or my concealer palette from 3 Custom Color Specialists. Maybe I have too many to choose from because this is really my field.

This left me wondering, what is the one product you reach for more than any other. Maybe it is seasonal, or a mascara you cannot live without. My readers and myself really want to know. Please leave an answer in the comments. It will be fun to see if we all have a similar item we reach for over and over. 

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