Introducing The Fragrance Fanatic.

I am very excited to announce a new project of mine with the help of my beautiful sister Cindi. Being the fragrance fan that she is and with her new found love of writing and wanting to get more involved in blogging, Beautiful Makeup Search now has a sister site: The Fragrance Fanatic.

Please stop on over and visit The Fragrance Fanatic today to read all about her obsession with everything fragrant. From perfume, scented bath and body products, to candles and home fragrance, click on over to read about her old favorites and new finds.


The official launch date is April 1st (Cindi's birthday, by the way) in which we will also launch a scent-a-day giveaway. I know you will want to check it out and visit everyday for a chance to win.

Let me know what you think! Visit The Fragrance Fanatic now. 


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