The Rarest of Minerals.

Yes, we have all heard of Bare Escentuals and their bareMinerals line by now, right? And we all know about how the minerals in makeup are only a good thing - and quite beneficial.

be_rare.jpgWell, I have been experiencing the ultimate in minerals with a rare combination of minerals from Bare Escentuals and their RareMinerals Skin Revival Treatment .

This is quite different than what you might expect. It is almost like a makeup, as in the way you apply it and for the fact that it does come in shades,that you use right before bed. I buff on these miracle minerals (I am using the clear formula) right as I get into bed. They buff on simply with the sponge that comes attached to the jar, which is great. It is even easy to detach and wash too.

Onto my results. When I first applied it, I did it in front of the mirror. Immediately, I would notice a more air brushed, matte finish to my skin. This in itself is a reason for loving it because my skin didn't look so scary as a freshly cleansed, makeup free face sort of does. 

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My Best of 2006.

I have discovered so many great new beauty products this year - some new, some tried and true, but new to me - that I am having such a difficult time narrowing down my "Favorite Things" list for the year. 

One thing that I can easily add to the list is you, my faithful and loyal readers. Without you, there would be no beauty blog - and I would have no other way to show and express my joys of beauty searching. So to you all, I thank you for your continued support.

Onto the list. Here I present My Favorite Things 2006. 

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