Skincare Goal No. 2: Wear Sunscreen EVERYDAY!

Skincare Goal No. 2: Wear Sunscreen EVERYDAY!

I have probably said it a million times: you need to wear sunscreen each and every day to protect yourself from the sun AND further aging. It might be the best weapon we have against aging.

I am really good at wearing sunscreen in my moisturizer or makeup and in the summer. But adding an extra layer of sunscreen each and every day of the year? I am not to that point. I am 90% there and SO MUCH BETTER than I have been in the past. My goal for this year is to add an additional layer of sunscreen to my face and neck each and every day of the year. Four days in and so far so good!

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Top 10 SPF's for Face.

Simply put, you need to wear sunscreen everyday. And your face you needs a different sunscreen than your body. It not only protects you from things like skin cancer, it will slow down the aging process. Nothing ages us as fast as sun damage. Trust me, after spending way too much time in the sun in my younger years, I am now spending a lot of time and money trying to correct the damage. SPF for your face is essential 365 days a year.

Top 10 SPF's for Face

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Top 10 Sunscreens for Face.

As I want to further remind you of the importance of wearing sunscreen each and everyday and with May being skin cancer awareness month, I thought it would be a great time to show you my favorite sunscreens for my face. I think I have preached about the importance of wearing sunscreen everyday, meaning 265 days of the year. Whether you are spending the day indoors or out, it is important for your skin health and to prevent skin cancer. If you don't want to do it for that reason alone, let me tell you this - protecting your skin from the sun will slow down the aging process, meaning less fine lines, wrinkles and skin discolorations. Simply put, you need to wear sunscreen everyday. And your face you needs a different sunscreen than your body.

Best Sunscreens for Face

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