Back to School Beauty - Tweezlight!

So- you are in your dorm room, with not the best of lighting, and your brows need some major plucking. What to do, what to do...

tweezlight.jpgWell, introduce yourself to Tweezlight. A handy new tweezer with a bright white light built right in. It is like having your very own personal brow spotlight.

The tweezers are made from a rustproof stainless steel, with spring tension and a precision sharp point. The bright LED white light provides a clear view of the smallest and finest hair, normally invisible to the naked, unlit eye. And they come in your choice of gold or silver finishes. Oh, and each pair comes with three additional batteries, so you know you will be in the light for years to come.

Tweezlight tweezers range in price from $9.95 - $19.99 and can be ordered at

Back to School Beauty - The School House

This is no ordinary School House. The School House set from philosophy will help you take an A-B-C recess with the three great treats included.

"A" is for Apple - a 4 oz. Apple 3-in-1 Shampoo, Shower Gel and Bubble Bath - "a"hhh, the apple scent is so real and refreshing.

"B" is for Body Souffle - a 2 oz Apple Soothing and Moisturizing Body Soufflé - "b"est scented apple body cream ever.

"C" is for Cookie - a .5 oz lip-smacking, high-gloss Powdered Sugar Cookie Lip Shine - "C"lear shine with such a great cookie flavor.

And don't be afraid of the red color - it is just tinted for effect, and turns clear when applied almost immediately.

Who wouldn't want the ultimate "School is Cool" gift set in the greatest little box? This adorable set is exclusively available at Sephora and for a cool $35.00.

p.s. - this would make the best gift for the new teacher too!


Back to School Beauty.


For the next month, we will bring you the best products to make the transition Back to School easier - well, at least as far as your beauty routine is concerned. And if you are not going back to school, that is okay too! The products we will feature are designed to make your life simpler and easier, while helping you stay in style too. We will feature not only makeup, but hair care, skin care, nail care, fragrance, and bath and body care items too.

If you stumble across great products that can make your beauty life easier, be sure to drop us an e-mail to let us know.