Top Sunscreens for Face.

Top Sunscreens for Face.

You need to wear sunscreen every day; I think you know that by now. The skin on your face is delicate, and it needs a different sunscreen than your body. I have tested quite a few sunscreens for face, and Iā€™m pretty particular about them. I don't like a thick sunscreen or one that leaves any residue behind. I like my sunscreen to feel light like Iā€™m wearing nothing more than a light moisturizer. These are the top sunscreens for the face.

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4 Sunscreen Saviors.

4 Sunscreen Saviors.

Just because the end of the summer is upon us, it is no excuse to put the suncreen away. It's a fact that you need to wear sunscreen each and everyday of the year. You need to reapply your sunscreen if you are spending a lot of time outdoors, doing any kind of activity outside where sunscreen could be wearing off or if you are in the water, of course. I normally have a pretty regular rotation of sunscreen bit this year was different as a few new sunscreen launched over the summer and these new sunscreens are so innovative that they are not only offering sun protection, but they are doing so in such a way to make them stand out from the norm. These are my sunscreen saviors.

Sunscreen saviors: The best sunscreens to get through the day

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